Thursday March 13, 2025

Disposable cars: why new cars break down more often than old ones

Disposable cars

The time of truly quality cars is over and even buying an expensive model at a cool dealership does not guarantee long service. Why does this happen?

World-famous brand name, former merits and other parts of the image are no longer justified in the eyes of buyers. All because of the sad statistics, which shows how in recent years has decreased the time of using a car, the frequency of repairs and the rise in prices for both cars and auto parts.

Where the quality has gone

Quality has gone with the economy. It’s not profitable for the automakers to produce cars, which will work long and well. The maximum is up to the end of the warranty period, but only because in case of a breakdown they are obliged to repair the car at their own expense. It’s surprising that the warranty on expensive German foreign cars is mainly 2 years, and on Korean budget models – 5 years.

Since the 70’s, marketers came into production and began to actively study the demand. The short-term result is the emergence of the BMW 5-series, Toyota Supra, Nissan Skyline and other successful solutions, the long-term result is that marketers began to dictate to engineers how to create cars, namely so that there would be a constant demand for new models. The degree of reliability of cars has decreased, and as in those years, cars could boast of 500 thousand kilometers mileage, but now 300 thousand kilometers is considered a good result.

Everyone knows about it, but no one can prove it. In order to be able to declare in court the deliberate actions for the quick breakdown of the car, it is necessary to have technical data on the methods of creation of metals and alloys and a lot of other information which is not provided by any manufacturer.

Problems with new cars

Body strength. Body strength is getting thinner and thinner because of the pursuit of economy and technology. And the struggle for pedestrian safety has made the design more fragile, so that soon cars will crumple into a lump not when they hit an obstacle, but 200 meters in advance.

Robotic transmissions. Because of the design features, they fail faster due to slow driving in traffic jams and frequent gear changes. For the inhabitants of the big city such cars prepare a surprise in the form of expensive block replacement.

Low-volume turbocharged engines. Super environmentally friendly, low fuel consumption, high power and this is a small list of what manufacturers promised. But in reality, the situation is not so rosy – reducing the size, they sacrificed a resource. Besides, small turbo engines are very sensitive to quality of fuel, need special oils etc. If it breaks, it cannot be repaired.

Paint. A wave of concern for the environment has swept away the quality of paint, car manufacturers have switched to water-soluble, and they are not resistant to mechanical damage. And as practice shows, scratches are followed by rust.

But every year new models are produced and there is a chance that in the struggle for customers, car manufacturers will start to make quality their competitive advantage.

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